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"Meet Windy Karigianes: A Soulful Singer and Songwriter with a Passion for
Music and Inspiration"

Written by~ Nycolle Buss

Windy Karigianes is a singer and songwriter who has a unique music style that combines rock, soul, country, jazz, and inspiration. Her love for music started at a young age, as she grew up in a musical household with her father and brother playing guitar, and the radio always on. Windy's interest in singing was sparked when she saw a girl perform Pat Benatar's "Hit me with your best shot" at a talent show in sixth grade. From that moment on, she knew that singing was her passion and pursued it relentlessly.


Windy's creative process involves writing songs that she connects with emotionally. She has collaborated with other writers and producers, which is her favorite way of working. She has worked on many projects, including the CD "Mirror" under the pseudonym "SeSaani," which was produced by Luji Shofu. Although she has faced financial challenges in her career, she is still working hard to overcome them and find a way to promote her music.


When it comes to balancing her personal life with her music career, Windy believes that music and art elevate the soul and keep us in a good headspace. She also emphasizes the importance of taking care of one's personal life. Windy advises other women pursuing their dreams in the music industry to trust in themselves and their art and to never stop learning. She also stresses the importance of staying true to oneself and protecting one's art.


Looking to the future, Windy is excited to collaborate on new projects with Sharry Flaherty co founder of Samera Entertainment in the world of music, art, and film. She also hopes to work on a new project that is greater than anything she has done before and get song placements from her CD "Pacific Shore" into films and commercials. Additionally, she would love to have a mini-series written for her song "Pacific Shore" and get it into production.

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In summary, Windy Karigianes is a talented singer and songwriter with a unique music style and a passion for music that started at a young age. She has faced challenges in her career but remains determined to overcome them. Windy is an inspiration to other women pursuing their dreams in the music industry and encourages them to trust in themselves and their art, stay true to themselves, and never stop learning.

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